Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day honors all soldiers who died during service to our nation. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday through an act of Congress in 1971, with roots dating back to the Civil War era. Clara Barton, an American Civil War nurse cared for many of these soldiers and became known as the "Angel of the Battlefield" for her tireless efforts.

"I have stood alone in the awful stillness of its glimmering light, gazing upon the strange, sad scene around me, striving to say, "Thy will, oh God be done."
Civil War nurse Clara Barton traveled to Falmouth, Virginia, in December 1862, anticipating another bloody battle and a crush of wounded men needing medical assistance. Shortly before the December 13th battle of Fredericksburg, Barton gazed out over the tents and campfires of the Union troops in the army of the Potomac. She imagined she "could almost hear the slow flap of the grim messenger's wings, as one by one, he sought and selected his victims for the morning sacrifice."
"Oh! sleep and visit in dreams once more, the loved ones nestling at home," she silently willed the soldiers.
Barton's fears proved accurate for the Union, which, in defeat, suffered more than 12,000 casualties. Among the deceased was Lieutenant Edgar Marshall Newcomb of the 19th Massachusetts Infantry. Barton recorded Newcomb's death on December 20, 1862, in her pocket diary while tending the wounded at a Union hospital in Falmouth. Newcomb had been shot in both legs while carrying the national flag during a charge on December 13th. He was 22 years old.
In an excerpt from her diary, where Barton kept a record of her patients, she documented Newcomb's visitors, leg amputation, and finally the death of the young soldier. A memorial publication later confirmed Barton's presence at Newcomb's deathbed, standing in for his mother as his mind wandered at the end. By Civil War standards, Newcomb's passing counted as a "Good Death" in Victorian terms, with the friends and family and able to express parting words.
Clara Barton went behind enemy lines with the International Committee of the Red Cross (established in 1863) and later founded the American Red Cross in 1881. Barton headed the organization well into her eighties. Read more here: Courage under Fire and Woman of Valor
For our non-medical friends, here is an American Red Cross book of First Aid
and there's even one for your pet!
To read about other memorable characters, pick up a copy of
Off the Chart A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor at https://amzn.to/3RHn0nm
Published by Jennifer Tipton / This post may contain affiliate links.
Great American hero of the CW Quite a committed and brave person.