There has been a lot of controversy regarding the necessity of masks since this whole Covid thing began, and I'll admit, I've had my doubts. In "The Pandemic", the epilogue of my book Off the Chart A Nurse's Journey of Heart and Humor, I share some of the reasons that I have questioned the efficacy of wearing a mask. I still have my doubts, but I am always interested to hear what someone else has to say, especially when it is a well-respected physician.

Brad and I just returned from Waikiki, and if you're thinking about going there anytime soon, think again. It has become so crowded with tourists that you can't even turn around. We actually felt sorry for the local folks who had to contend with this on a daily basis. While Pearl Harbor was cool, there was no place to snorkel - even North Shore was a zoo.
On the flight over, we flew with Delta and although the mask mandate is no longer in effect, there was a flight attendant wearing a mask. I asked him (politely of course) why he was wearing a mask to which he responded, "For your protection and my own." Personally. I thought it was a little over the top. Masks look goofy, especially when your nose is sticking out...but hey, he was making an effort right? His efforts were appreciated when we flew home on Alaska Airlines and the plane was so dirty, there was a stench in the air that could not be denied. That was Thursday, and sure enough, on Saturday I started with a fever and chills. I still believe that COVID gets far too much attention - there are in fact, hundreds of other viruses out there trying to contend. Do masks protect us from any of them?
Check out this article to read what surgeon-turned-author, Gus Iwasiuk has to say, and then tell us what you think here in the comments.
(And there's a very cool photo of a sneeze in slow motion too.)
Click the link: The Mask Explanation for Dummies | Gus Iwasiuk
By the way, Gus Iwasiuk has just published his 14th book, The Truth About Vladamir Vladimirovich Putin. I just ordered a copy. In 2005 he wrote and published, The Price of a Penis and Other Tales of a Country Surgeon. It's a great read, and although the title still cracks me up, there is a true story in the book that goes with it.
(Both of these are available on Amazon.)
I can't close this post without putting in a good word for Witold Niesluchowski, another surgeon turned author! Admittedly, in the years that I worked with him, I never could pronounce his name properly, but his reputation as a surgeon was unsurpassed along as just being a warm and wonderful person! He and Gus happen to be friends and they share a lot of similarities. I have much admiration and respect for both of them.
Witold's books can also be found on Amazon - happy reading!